As rents soar, Minns Labor Government has failed renters

More than one year on from the election of the Minns Labor Government renters across NSW have been let down by the Government’s failure to implement key rental reforms.


“We are in the midst of Labor’s cost of living crisis with renters struggling every day paying sky high rents,” Shadow Minister for Fair Trading Tim James said.


“Over Labor’s year in power, rents in Greater Sydney have increased by more than 13%. The proportion of rental housing accessible to a median income earner in NSW has fallen from 35% in 2022-23 to 28% in 2023-24. By contrast, the Liberal and Nationals Government achieved a record high of 48% in 2020-21.”


“The Minns Government has shown little urgency to ease the pressures on households, and has little to show for renters after a year in power despite all of its rhetoric before the election.”


“The Government continues to drag its feet on progressing key planks of agreed rental reform including prohibiting no grounds eviction, establishing a portable rental bond scheme, as well as making it easier to have pets in rentals.”


“The only thing it has done so far is abandon its promise to end secret rent bidding in favour of undefined transparency measures.”


“We’ve seen no outcomes yet on any of these policies.”


“The government appears unable or unwilling to make key decisions about how these schemes will be run.”


“The NSW Rental Commissioner was meant to give renters a voice but has so far delivered little real action due to being under-resourced and under-funded.”


“With Parliament sitting next week, the Government needs to get on with delivering for renters. Every second the Minns government continues to delay, NSW renters pay the price,” Mr James concluded.