Petition for a green canopy over the Warringah Freeway

Green, open space is so precious to the Willoughby community. It binds our local area and is part of our community’s character.

For a long time now, there has been growing pressure on green and open space in the Willoughby area.

Various infrastructure projects and developments have led to the loss of green space, while at the same time the needs of our community and sporting groups have continued to grow.

We should pursue innovative solutions to these challenges to ensure the green, open spaces that our community needs are provided, enhanced, and grown for current and future generations.

The Member for Willoughby Tim James is advocating for the NSW Government to investigate constructing a green space canopy over the Warringah Freeway to reconnect ANZAC Park with Cammeray Park.

This visionary proposal would create a vast amount of green, open space for our community to use and enjoy.

The canopy could include playing fields, cycleways, community spaces, and parklands.

Similar canopies have been delivered overseas.

This vision presents an opportunity to return land claimed by the Warringah Freeway to our community.

The location of the proposed Cammeray green canopy

One example of a canopy overseas

575 signatures

Will you sign?

We the undersigned call on the NSW Government to investigate and pursue the vision of the Member for Willoughby to:

1. Ensure local infrastructure projects deliver net positive green space to the local community in the Willoughby electorate

2. Reconnect ANZAC Park and Cammeray Park in Cammeray by building a green space canopy over the Warringah Freeway

3. Provide open space for local sport and recreation on that canopy

4. Increase natural vegetation and the local tree canopy as well as create a wildlife corridor over and around the freeway, and

5. Enhance pedestrian and bicycle access in the area via dedicated paths